MAXSUN Terminator Intel B760ITX D4 WIFI

10 recenzija

Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana: 300,00
Cijena: 174,97

6-fazno napajanje
Vrsta ploče: ITX
Čipset: Intel B760
CPU podrška: podržava Intel 12/13 generaciju Core (LGA1700) procesora
Memorija: podržava dvokanalnu DDR4 memoriju
Disk sučelje: 3x SATA 3.0; 3x PCIe 4.0 X4
Utor za grafičku karticu: 1 utor za PCIe 5.0 X16 grafičku karticu
Ostali utori: 1 PCI-E X1 utor
PS/2 sučelje: 1 za tipkovnicu i miš
USB sučelje: 5x USB 3.2 Gen 1; 5x USB2.0, 1x USB tip-C 20G, 1x USB tip-C 50G
Audio sučelje: HD audio
Video sučelje: 1x DP, 1x HDMI
Mrežno sučelje: 2.5G i WIFI6E
Sučelje napajanja: 24 pin + 8 pin

Očekivani datum dostave: 31.10.2024 - 20.11.2024
SKU: Z1UBV2Z3I411 Kategorije: , , Brend:


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U paketu dolazi

MAXSUN Terminator Intel B760ITX D4 WIFI



Prema zakonu takav proizvod se tretira kao rabljena roba iako se radi o novom, zapakiranom i nekorištenom proizvodu koji dolazi s originalnom dodatnom opremom i tvorničkim jamstvom proizvođača, Proizvod se oporezuje po posebnom postupku oporezivanja marže sukladno članku 95. stavka 4. Zakona o porezu na dodanu vrijednost (NN, br. 73/13)

Pravni subjekti

Iznos u trošak – Da, Odbitak PDV-a – Ne

Na temelju 10 recenzija
Napišite svoje mišljenje

  1. U***r

    It’s on Pari for 13400f another day, rest is all good. The battery, on the skilki I am very much, I am still installed, I should be known as a great radiator. Drivers on WiFi were necessary to put hands, they stood up.
    Selling vidpovidad with a majestic delay. Butt, firewood on WiFi was put on the principle of “finger in the Sky”, for it is unrealistic to get finished

  2. Elektronik HR Shopper

    Great motherboard, has plenty of features and great website with all latest bios versions.

  3. M***z

    I arrived in perfect condition, I asked the seller to declare in 23 dollars and pass customs without problems, excellent by the seller, only the shipment that took 31 days from the purchase

  4. J***m

    ~ ~ ~

  5. g***r

    I was embarrassed that the boot clock did not work, but it worked normally after the BIOS update

  6. Elektronik HR Shopper

    Maxsun motherboard is perfect.

  7. M***i

    The product is exceptional in quality for the price. I thank the seller for the shipment well taken care of with his accessories, air bag that protects the product well. My unit comes with its bios battery and wifi module installed. The plate Pbc looks well built, with three connections for 12V RGB 2 and one 5V. Three connections for 4-pin fans, two modules for 4x nmve discs and PCI express port, generally good product.

    Chili logistics is disgusting, they left the product more than 50 days held in chili customs, so if you buy from here tell the seller to detail the value of the real product, because otherwise it will happen to you like me, although I report the real value of the product, plus the bank transaction etc, They left the retained and groped product.

  8. F***a

    Working great with my 13700k!! Thanks

  9. Г***ч

    The motherboard is of perfect quality, does not seem to be inferior to the more famous brands, the responsive seller packed very well (at my request), answered the questions. According to the board itself, the memory and the processor were installed, two reboots and the computer turned on. Very rich bio with great opportunities.
    Store and seller deserve a lot of attention!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Elektronik HR Shopper

    More than enough ports in the back and the two M.2 slots is a nice bonus. I have zero complaints and only praise, had no issues with the latest Linux kernels and had zero stability problems with stock BIOS. Build quality is amazing and feels on par with premium Asus boards. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to make an ITX build.

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