MAXSUN GeForce RTX 3070Ti iCraft OC 8GB

1 recenzija

Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana: 700,00
Cijena: 569,97

iCraft Skylight RGB
Sustav hlađenja M-Flow II
Brave Heart iCraft RGB stražnja ploča
Kod jezgre: GA104
Broja CUDA jezgri: 6144
Frekvencija jezgre: 1575MHz – 1830MHz
Frekvencija video memorije: 19000MHz
Kapacitet video memorije: 8GB
Vrsta memorije: GDDR6X
Bitna širina memorije: 256 bita
Vrsta sučelja sabirnice: PCI Express X16 4.0
TDP: 310W i više
Preporučeno napajanje: 750W ili više
Dimenzije: 317mm x 124mm x 53mm
3D API: DirectX 12, Shader Model 5.0, OpenGL 4.5

Očekivani datum dostave: 04.11.2024 - 22.11.2024
SKU: 4IYTJODOV2LG Kategorije: , , Brend:


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U paketu dolazi

MAXSUN GeForce RTX 3070Ti iCraft OC 8GB


Prema zakonu takav proizvod se tretira kao rabljena roba iako se radi o novom, zapakiranom i nekorištenom proizvodu koji dolazi s originalnom dodatnom opremom i tvorničkim jamstvom proizvođača, Proizvod se oporezuje po posebnom postupku oporezivanja marže sukladno članku 95. stavka 4. Zakona o porezu na dodanu vrijednost (NN, br. 73/13)

Pravni subjekti

Iznos u trošak – Da, Odbitak PDV-a – Ne

Na temelju 1 recenzije
Napišite svoje mišljenje

  1. Т***ч

    The video card came whole, packed in an air cushion. Just installed it today, it was necessary to completely throw the wires so that the video card stood up as it should. Conducted a stress test through Furmark, the test was excellent, the computer recognizes the card as 3070ti, I have not yet understood how to use RTX and re-racing, this is the first time I use such a card, but the settings are lined up automatically in all games😑, So yes, everything works on Ultra and excellent, stable 60fps. I will learn to use all these lotions, but cool, I’m satisfied. The coolers are spinning normally, but in my opinion it is somehow noisy at 100% speeds, maybe I’m just not used to 3 cooler Vidukas. In general, I am satisfied, I recommend the seller, if something bad happens to the card, I will add it. The seals were all intact, the set included a stand for a polycarbonate video card.

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