MAXSUN Challenger AMD A320M.2

17 recenzija

Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana: 110,00
Cijena: 77,97

5-fazno napajanje
Vrsta ploče: M-ATX
Čipset: AMD A320
CPU podrška: podržava AMD AM4 APU i AMD Ryzen procesore
Memorija: podržava dvokanalnu DDR4 memoriju
NIC čip: Realtek RTL8111 Gigabit mrežna kartica
Disk sučelje: 4x SATAIII sučelje; 1x M.2 sučelje (SATAIII/PCI-E standard)
Utor za grafičku karticu: 1 utor za PCI-E grafičku karticu
Ostali utori: 1 PCI-E X1 utor
PS/2 sučelje: 1 za tipkovnicu i miš
USB sučelje: 2x USB 3.1; 2x USB 3.0; 2x USB2.0
Audio sučelje: 5.1-kanalni audio
Video sučelje: VGA, HDMI
Sučelje napajanja: 24 pin + 8 pin

Očekivani datum dostave: 30.10.2024 - 19.11.2024
SKU: NR0443BPMKBE Kategorije: , , Brend:


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Tvorničko jamstvo


U paketu dolazi

MAXSUN Challenger AMD A320M.2


Prema zakonu takav proizvod se tretira kao rabljena roba iako se radi o novom, zapakiranom i nekorištenom proizvodu koji dolazi s originalnom dodatnom opremom i tvorničkim jamstvom proizvođača, Proizvod se oporezuje po posebnom postupku oporezivanja marže sukladno članku 95. stavka 4. Zakona o porezu na dodanu vrijednost (NN, br. 73/13)

Pravni subjekti

Iznos u trošak – Da, Odbitak PDV-a – Ne

Na temelju 17 recenzija
Napišite svoje mišljenje

  1. y***S

    No fee too top

  2. R***n

    Best cost benefit

  3. J***r

    Plate very compact but it complies and is apparently new.

  4. C***a

    Everything came right. I haven’t set up the PC yet. Great seller, I have already bought other motherboards from him.

  5. g***r

    Everything OK, working💯

  6. m***d

    Missing the other components arrive, a ryzen 5 4600g, 2666 ram memory is a ssd 480g, how much with everything I come back with the evaluation

  7. Elektronik HR Shopper


  8. L***l

    Plate very well built, I really liked it, I haven’t done the test yet because I’m waiting for new parts to arrive.

  9. J***s

    Product not accepted by customs and returned

  10. j***x

    Very good packaging and I was given the warranty I was answered in half a day for the warranty extension actually I really liked the store attention of the store, I recommend it 100%

  11. A***a

    I cannot give my opinion because the product was barred from my country’s federal revenue. Luckily I got the refund from the supplier.

  12. g***r

    Unfortunately I was taxed in real 1100 the inspectors declared 200 dollars there I refused and returned and was refunded, thanks to the exelent maxsun store.

  13. А***в

    Good marketplace

  14. a***r

    Came well packed everything right in the box. We only need to test but for the quality of the shipment I think everything is fine.

  15. S***r

    Thank you, the order arrived early. The mother looks new, came without damage, the packaging is reliable, the air mattress in the box. In the work has not yet checked, because you need not get the components.

  16. j***s

    I received it and it works. Relative to the delivery, it was as expected. Everything well packed.

  17. f***a

    Arrived on time but I was taxed at 80 reais even though I paid the tax at the time of purchase

Napiši recenziju

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