Intel Core i5-3570

10 recenzija

Najniža cijena u zadnjih 30 dana: 40,00
Cijena: 29,97

Ivy Bridge desktop procesor
4 jezgre
4 threada
3.4GHz base
3.8GHz boost
6MB Intel® Smart Cache
Socket 1155
Zadani TDP 77W

Očekivani datum dostave: 28.02.2025 - 20.03.2025
Šifra proizvoda: LEQ6WFNRQUGW Kategorije: , , Brend:


Dodatne informacije

Tvorničko jamstvo


U paketu dolazi

Intel Core i5-3570



Mogući tragovi korištenja, Proizvod je rigorozno testiran prije slanja, Proizvod se oporezuje po posebnom postupku oporezivanja marže sukladno članku 95. stavka 4. Zakona o porezu na dodanu vrijednost (NN, br. 73/13), Rabljeni proizvod

Pravni subjekti

Iznos u trošak – Da, Odbitak PDV-a – Ne

Na temelju 10 recenzija
Napišite svoje mišljenje

  1. A***a

    Product arrived correctly, who knows the processor knows the potential it has. Great for home office. Worked perfectly on two plates I tested.

  2. Ч***ч

    As a new one, I checked it, it works, all tests pass.

  3. G***a

    Perfect processor, 100%. It doesn’t even heat up. Excellent performance. Arrived much earlier than expected, in 6 days. Very honest seller, recommend, congratulations. I paid the L tax, after all love is expensive.

  4. O***o

    All right, very well packed and impeccable! Recommend the product and seller!!

  5. C***e

    Great processor, I have already bought some and so far all working perfectly!

  6. L***a

    Arrived on time, excellent product

  7. c***x

    Arrived fast and well packed and just like I just didn’t do the test because my motherboard hasn’t arrived yet, but I believe it’s working right, I recommend

  8. T***f

    The product arrived much earlier than expected, and working for perfection
    Greetings from Argentina<3

  9. Г***ч

    Thanks for the serviceable processor! Approached my farm, works flawlessly. Became a perfect replacement for the g1630.

  10. S***a

    I received the product and it works well.. I recommend it to everyone! Thanks!

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